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December 31, 2024
Signal Sam from Sew Preeti Quilts

Do you remember Lula May?

The scraps leftover from Lula May became Signal Sam.

Signal Sam

Signal Sam is my response to the December Challenge which states "December brings another month to embark on your own project, regardless of its size, theme, or technique! Seize this chance to unleash your creativity without constraints. Enjoy the process!"

Leftover Strip from Lula May

There is something very satisfying about taking the scraps from a completed quilt and making a brand new one. I definitely enjoyed the process.

Bold and Beautiful

Signal Sam uses the Island Batik collection Celebrate, designed by Kathy Engle ...

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October 15, 2024
NEW Floral Elements & the versatility of the Disappearing Quilting Block from Art Gallery Fabrics-The Creative Blog

Adorn your projects with the beauty of nature through our cherished “Floral Elements” fabric blender collection, now expanded with eight stunning new pastel hues! Each fabric showcases a captivating large-scale floral motif, perfect for adding elegance and sophistication to your creations. 

This season, we're excited to present a cohesive palette of eight stunning pastel tones, each inspired by the serene beauty of nature's changing seasons. These calming yet vibrant colors are carefully balanced to complement your unique designs

To spark your creativity, we've designed two stunning projects using the versatile Disappearing Block technique. This block beautifully showcases ...

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October 9, 2024
Loupiote Quilt - Eine Anleitung from Quiltmanufaktur

Vergangenes Jahr hatte ich das Glück, an einem sehr schönen Nähwochenende teilnehmen zu dürfen. Dazu mitgenommen hatte ich verschiedene Projekte, von denen ich eigentlich tatsächlich nur an einem aus lauter Lustgewinn gearbeitet habe. Ich hatte mir eine Menge Log Cabin 6,5" Inch FPP ausgedruckt und eine Kiste mit den bunten Reststreifen mitgenommen. So entstanden 28 fertige Log Cabin Blöcke. Die lagen jetzt annähernd ein Jahr in der Kiste rum ohne dass ich eine Idee hatte, was damit anzufangen.... Richtig Lust, weitere zu machen hatte ich nicht und die Blöcke einfach so zusammen zu nähen, war extrem zu bunt. Durch ...

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October 2, 2024
Good Tidings & Austin from Sew Preeti Quilts

I have two new quilts to share.

Austin was published in Make Modern #60.

Good Tidings was published in Annie's Christmas Pattern Book.

Good Tidings

Both quilts were made using Island Batik Fabrics collection Peppermint Sprinkles. 

Peppermint Sprinkles is a beautiful collection - perfect for Holiday sewing. I love that it has elements of the season such as reindeer and snowflakes but it isn't so Christmassy that the quilt/decor becomes outdated by January 1.  It has year round appeal.

That was my thought process as I designed Good Tidings in EQ8.  A fellow quilter/blogger once said that ...

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September 7, 2024
Diva from Sew Preeti Quilts

Do you remember Diva?

Designed in EQ8, Diva was published in Make Modern Issue 58. Now, she is available as a standalone pattern in my Etsy Shop.

I made Diva using the Vintage Charm collection, combined with Island Batik Solids in Red, Orange, Yellow and Fuchsia. The focus fabric strip sets were scraps leftover from making Kashvi, but there is nothing scrappy about Diva!

Finishing at 51" by 68" she glides in royal splendor. And although you may think that she is set in her ways, she is very adaptable. I encourage you to take a look at the various ...

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July 16, 2024
Quilting Retreat!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Yep -- here I am at a quilt retreat. It's a small group (intentional) and is one of the most relaxing retreats because of that! Plus, it's an excellent opportunity to catch up with friends we rarely see. After getting all the morning stuff out, I loaded the car and was on my way. I think this is our third or perhaps fourth retreat that this small group has done. 

I always look at what I bring and think do I need all that, but I've cut way down on what I bring. OK - so I threw in ...

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May 7, 2024
Piece and Applique Modern Quilt Blocks from Pieced Brain

Piece and Applique Modern Quilt Blocks

Build your favorite city as you piece and applique modern quilt blocks. Select the ones you like for smaller projects, or make the whole quilt!

Welcome to City Blocks – my first quilt book! Published by Leisure Arts and already on sale, this book features 32 blocks I designed, each portraying a place or an experience in a city. There are also six coordinating, smaller projects, many diagrams, and easy-to-follow instructions.

Those of you who have been following me since I began this blog and my Etsy store (2013!) will remember our Sew Along. We made a block every two weeks ...

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April 16, 2024
Bright Zinnia Quilt nach Lori Holt 'Farm Girl Vintage 2' from Quiltmanufaktur

Vergangenes Jahr im Herbst habe ich Paula @paula_handmade besucht und gemeinsam haben wir an einem Mosaik Workshop im @baumhaus.atelier in Echzell teilgenommen. Zwei Tage konnte man dort nach Lust und Laune mit Porzellan Fragmenten tolle neue Objekte schaffen - dazu vielleicht in einem anderen Blogpost mehr... 

Paula Vielhaber - @paula_handmade
Paula Vielhaber - @paula_handmade

Auf jeden Fall war das ein extrem kreatives Wochenende und wer Paula kennt, der weiß, dass sie immer noch eins drauf zusetzen hat! So kam ihr während dieses Wochenendes die Idee, ein gemeinsames Quiltprojekt zu starten. Ihr gefielen die Quilts rund um die Blumen vom Midnight Garden Quilt, den sie auf ...

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March 16, 2024
Rainbow Parade - New Pattern, Bloghop & Giveaway from Sew Preeti Quilts

Spring is around the corner and I am ready to say goodbye to winter blues. Here is a new colorful quilt to get us in the mood for the new season. Meet Rainbow Parade.

Rainbow Colors

Made using Island Batik Blenders, Rainbow Parade finished at 57" by 70".


Light and Dark

The quilt uses eight colors (light and dark) for a total of 16 fabrics, plus the background.  
I am thrilled now that the pattern is published. 
The instructions are super simple and the detailed graphics ensure that it is a breeze even if you are a new quilter ...

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December 13, 2023
Quilt Too Small? from Lotus Cove Quilting

Red and Blue shown at Durham Orange Quilters meeting, 2022.

It’s been quite a while since I posted here. I’ll try to catch up, as I HAVE been making quilts. But today’s issue is a quilt that is too small.

In 2022, I finished a queen quilt for my own bed. All Kaffe Fassett fabrics with a bamboo batting. But both of us toss and turn all night and the sateen backing lets the quilt slide everywhere. So I’m adding new blocks to three sides.

Fortunately, old and recent Kaffe fabrics coordinate well. The quilt is ...

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December 7, 2023
Beginner-friendly modern batik quilt from Pieced Brain

Beginner-friendly modern batik quilt

Make this beginner-friendly modern batik quilt using your favorite collection or as a scrap buster! One easy quilt block is all it takes!

Use with permission from American Patchwork & Quilting®. ©2023 Meredith Operations Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Nature Study is my latest quilt, published in the February 2024 American Patchwork & Quilting issue. It measures 67″ x 82″, and the blocks finish at 6″. I used greens and blues from my batik fabric ‘collection’ – I still have enough fabric to make five quilts in the same palette! The photographer, Adam Albright, always transforms my quilts into works of art when he ...

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August 20, 2023
Summer Vibes from Sew Preeti Quilts

Paul: Let's go get ice cream.
Me: Sugar is not my friend.
Paul: Of course not. It is your side piece.
Me: Side piece?
Paul: The guy who texts "you up?"
Me: Like booty call?
Paul: Yes, booty call.
Me: It does go to my booty. 
Paul: So you are coming?
Me: I won't say no to a booty call.

Ice cream with Paul - Sweet!

Summer time equates with vacation time for many of us.  Although I cannot take a vacation at this time, I can squeeze in small getaways and get-together with friends.  last week, I got ...

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July 1, 2023
Window Dressing & Pattern Release from Sew Preeti Quilts

Window Dressing was published in March 2023 in Make Modern Issue #51, in the category of Prints Charming! I smile every time I read that :-)

Made with Ruby Star Society Fabrics (Reverie by Melody Miller) provided by Moda, it is a simple design that exploits the value gradations for maximum effect. Put another way, the Prints Charming did the heavy lifting and I gathered the compliments :-)

Cold Day, Warm Quilt

For some reason, the blog publication of this quilt slipped through the cracks. But here we are now.  

Window Dressing finished at 60" by 80", making it a perfect size ...

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May 17, 2023
Its Wednesday! from Sew Preeti Quilts

Marrying someone from halfway across the globe has its perks.  There is always something new to learn. Recently Paul introduced me to the Addams Family.  I fell in love with Wednesday and she is the inspiration for my May project! 

Wednesday Mock-Up in EQ8

But let's start at the beginning. The May Challenge requires that we use the Studio 180 Design Tool and the Winter 2022 Collection to  make a project of any size.  The guidelines included the following:
1. Work with two or more different size units. 
2. Must use at least 30 units total, made with the ...

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April 24, 2023
How to Choose Fabrics for your Sewing Projects from Art Gallery Fabrics-The Creative Blog

Greetings to all fabric enthusiasts and aficionados! My name is Juana, and I'm thrilled to introduce myself as the newest member of the amazing AGF Team. As a fellow lover of all things fabric, I'm delighted to be a part of this wonderful community.

Having the opportunity to work with talented and kind individuals has been amazing. Access to a diverse selection of prints from the AGF warehouse will spark inspiration for a fresh selection of fabrics for your next project.
AGF has given me insight into the process of creating a collection from start to finish. Through ...

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March 10, 2023
Quilts for Ukraine - an update from Wendy's Quilts and More

This week I spotted two of our New Zealand quilts that are ready to donate to Ukrainian children in Germany.  The kiwi block makes the first one quite recognisable! But I also recognise the borders because I assembled our quilt tops before I sent them over to Claudia in Germany.  

Claudia received far more quilts and blocks than she ever could have imagined, and she has been donating quilts as quickly as she can.  I'm not concerned that our tops from New Zealand are still working their way through the finishing stages.  It's lovely to see that they ...

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December 30, 2022
Magic Square Quilt / Ein Geschenk from Quiltmanufaktur

Wer schon einmal bei mir an einen Workshop teilgenommen hat, weiß das ich gerne mitnähe. Ich bin ein sehr visueller Mensch. Das Beibringen fällt mir leichter, wenn ich nicht nur Worte finden muss, sondern direkt zeigen kann, wie es geht. Natürlich nähe ich dann nicht komplett alles parallel, muss ja auch den Teilnehmern über die Schulter schauen... Trotzdem habe ich so mittlerweile das eine-oder-andere UFO in meinen Materialkisten liegen.

Anders hat es sich bei meiner Vorbereitung für den Workshop Magic Squares verhalten. Da hatte ich schon die Idee im Kopf, dass daraus später ein Quilt entstehen sollte. 

Der fertige Quilt ...

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September 11, 2022
Two Modern Quilts & .... from caledonia quilter

 These were two beauties that both wanted the pantograph Modern Curves.  

That's such a striking quilting design and it shows up really well on solid fabrics.

And, HEY!  I MADE A QUILT!  This was for a young man who's gone off to university.

Here are the strips of geese.  My original intention was to use a border print as sashing between the rows, but I didn't like the look, so I opted to stick with the solid black.  These are 4" x 8" geese made using the Quilt In A Day ruler.  Definitely one of my favorite ...

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September 9, 2022
Pattern, Sale & BlogHop too! from Sew Preeti Quilts

I have so many things to share that I could just explode.
Breathe, breathe, just breathe, Paul said.

1. Topsy Turvy is now available as a stand alone pattern in my Etsy Store.

Topsy Turvy in Honeycomb Fabrics

I first made Topsy Turvy using the scraps left over from the Island Batik "Make it Modern" Blog Hop and Challenge.  Many refinements later, making it suitable for 2.5" precut strips, writing and rewriting and then correcting the pattern, Topsy Turvy is now available as a standalone pattern.   

Here are a few more pictures.

Basting and Ironing

Topsy Turvy is a ...

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April 20, 2022
Synergy Quilt Pattern Release!!! from Sew Preeti Quilts

It was about one year ago, when I first doodled the idea that became Synergy. I first made Synergy in Rainbow Fabrics on a Light Gray background, provided by Island Batiks.

The second version was in Tantalizing Teals on a Yellow background. 

Since then, I have been playing in EQ8, with different Island Batik collections.

In Lace & Grace (Fall 2021 Collection)

In Playful Purples (Island Batik Foundations)

In Interurban (Fall 2021)

But I am so looking forward to the different versions that are cooking in the following studios of North America.

1. Mari of Academic Quilter - Thursday, April 21, 2022 ...

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